Bonfiglioli Hellas – Industrial Equipment

Bonfiglioli Hellas is an import and distribution company of industrial equipment. We took over the social media management on LinkedIn, Facebook & Instagram, as well as the Content Writing on the Blog. The goal was to inform potential customers more widely through social media and optimize search engine results. In less than 1 month we organically increased traffic and reach.


  • Google ranking with blog posts. See samples here.
  • Social media management with visuals and text.


The first thing we did was to study the competitors, since the company is targeting businesses in Greece. Then we proceeded to develop a strategy for social media and blog posts.

Social media

The channels we used were LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook. We created posts of an informative nature in static images.

Blog posts

In less than a month, we managed to reach the first page of Google results with keywords e.g. reducers.


  • Increase in website traffic
  • Increase of brand awareness
  • Appearance on the first pages of Google

Samples of social media management